At present, I'm having a hard time finding my way to Stone House Lane. Road construction crews have torn up the asphault, sheared twenty meters of trees from each side of the road, and removed all the road signs. They'll be straightening out the curves, adding shoulders, and laying new asphault. In the meantime, all roads look the same. I'd grown dependent on signs and markers that no longer exist. I feel like I'm in la-la land.
And I couldn't be more pleased. I'm having to learn to navigate by feel. I'm forced to look for new signs, new ways of seeing, and new information. If I'm spending too much time looking for old ones, I'll miss my road.
It's scary, doing it this way. I'd conditioned myself to believe that I needed to know where I was going, have directions for getting there, and travel the straightest route possible. The ego-thing that lives in my head -- the one that would kill me if it didn't need me for transportation -- is always droning on and on about failure, poverty, degregation and the like. For a time it had me convinced that wrong turns mean lost time and fuel -- perhaps also frostbite, starvation, suffering and death. Worse, people might laugh at me.
In the past, therefore, so much of my energy was tied up scanning the horizon for road signs and anticipating the next turn that I couldn't see the road right in front of me.
Let your story happen. It already is. You're not at the wheel. Your Creator is. You might as well relax, stop being a backseat driver, and enjoy the ride. You'll know the road when it shows up. It will be right there, in front of you.
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